Wednesday, February 24, 2010


...and what about design ? What about it ? I often ran into questions like these. I never got the reason why, after explaining about a particular design aspect in The 4Th Floor's works (and I bet this is not the only case, you probably ran into them also), the following question that pops out is : "why's it so expensive ?". I guess, because nothing comes for free in this world, I keep saying to myself. Dumb answer you might say, but what other suitable answer would satisfy someone who always wants to see the final product delivered. It's like he refuses to believe that there is actual sweat and talent and work hours, various creative approaches and most of all that omnipresent passion that became your inner life drive. I know that passion for being concerned about pixel-like details or colors, or even angles, for being really focused on following the aesthetic principles of contexts and situations, might seem unmeasurable or uncategorized, thus unsuitable to have a value. This assumption will always be the climax of being wrong in my opinion. There is always a small example that always pops out in my head on such occasions : how will people look at you when you show up at an important meeting in a sharp suit with your shoelaces untied ? Everyone will expect you to trip and fall down. It's common psychology, and, most of all it always works. My conclusion through this example would be : take your time to analyze your need to be in the spotlight, with all eyes on you, those eyes always looking for that small detail you forgot to repair and give it the proper finish. Try to picture that those eyes are your consumer's eyes and from time tot time, in the back of the room, the eyes of your competitors. If this makes you sweat a bit, don't panic, take a deep breath...there's no guns pointing to your head...Only eyes


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